[OBS] Bracknell (Tawfield) Sun 11 Jun 2006
Sunday, 11 June 2006
0900 WSW F2 30km - 7/CI T237D173
RMK: [CAVOK & COTRA] - 7 Ci/COTRA~250/280, mostly fibrous, but some
denser patches, though not as 'organised' as earlier - see below. Not
sure about the dew point: seems a bit high to me.
screen min: 17.3 grass min: 16.0 precipitation: NIL [24hr total: 00.0
other data: Spectacular colour to the sunrise today - betraying, I
think, the rather complex structure to the cirriform cloud, which was
still evident up to ~0700Z. Multi-layer fibrous Cirrus, with perhaps
some Cirrostratus elements - and a lot of embd COTRA. Not quite so
dramatic now. ]=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W