In article ,
V-Tec writes:
John Hall wrote:
In article ,
V-Tec writes:
Do forecasters get conservative at the extreme ends of weather?
It always seems to be colder than forecast in winter and today...
Forecast was 22/23 on average. It is currently 29.1 here in Ipswich -
confirmed by other stations +/- 1 deg.
How can they be 5/6/7 degrees out like this consistently?
Where do you get your forecasts from? Those that I've seen have
suggested temperatures much closer to what you're actually
Most have updated now - but Google for instance - still says 22 max, partly
cloudy, Current 27!
I don't know where Google get their forecasts from - probably from one
of the proliferation of independent forecasting organisations. You'd do
much better to go to the Met Office's own site.
is quoting a max of 30C for East Anglia. However
is only giving 25C as a max for Ipswich itself.
John Hall
"The covers of this book are too far apart."
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)