The water shortage
Totally with you on this one!!
The last b-i-g crisis happened 30 years ago. I was but a kid at the time
but I remember discussions about a national water grid.
OK, once in 30 years probably doesn't warrant spending millions or
billions - or does it?
If we have a dry winter again, I can see stand pipes in the streets next
year (or maybe later this year) and possibly even worse, with non
essential supplies being turned off etc.
Alarmist maybe but what will happen if we don't get a couple of years of
normal rainfall to fill up the aquifers?
Could we see mass migration away from the South - The area, after all,
that generates the vast majority of the countries wealth now that the
manufacturing industries have been systematically dismantled.
A serious lack of water for the 20 odd million who live in London and
the South East must be addressed and I can't see any other way than to
build a water grid.
The only thing stopping it is that, as others have pointed out, the
utilities are no longer owned by us. I believe most of them are in
French hands!
So Ron, shall we start a campaign to get the army out of Iraq and
digging tunnels to lay pipes. I'll see you in Trafalgar Square next
Saturday ;-)
Ron Button wrote:
I am still trying to digest the latest nonsense put out by our ever
watchfull BBC.
The programme in question was yesterdays Country file largly given over to
the drought in Southeast England,and how we are all doomed by the ongoing
Various scenarios were discussed as to what could be done about it including
piping water across country from the very wet parts of our Island,but the
very ernest enviromentalist said it would be far too expensive at maybe one
million pounds per kilometre. Do what !.that sum represents about one weeks
costs in Iraq,and probably the monthly salary bill for ChelseFC.
Have they all gone totally barmy,and money obsessed ?,we have a large crisis
looming in the Southeast,which according to the experts could be cured with
a few years effort and the water companies/government dosh.
Perhaps we should save our money though for a penny off income tax,or a
couple of quid a week for the poor old age pensioners ,that would probably
be much more satisfying that solving a crisis for the next government.
The British Isles is sloshing with water most of the year ,so lets get it to
the parts who need it with a water grid..Isambard Kingdom Brunel could have
done it,or.
bring back Winstone Churchill I say !
PS OK you experts ,,shoot me down