[WR] S.Essex - another steamy night.
Hey Dave
Do you take baths - No! I'm serious - bear with me!!
I've invested in a little submersible pump. When the kids have finished
in the batch, I pump the water in to the water butts. It takes about 10
minutes with the little pump I have and gives a good amount (about a
butt full) for watering the garden.
If you take showers and have a shower over the bath, put the plug in,
collect two or three showers-worth and you'll have happy plants.
Only problem I see is trying to explain to the the water company
inspector why your garden is lush and verdant when everyone else's is
parched and dry ;-)
Dave.C wrote:
....and before you state the obvious Lawrence I'm talking about the
temperature! 27.0C at 20.50 hrs. I hope we get a storm and some heavy rain
soon. Nothing now for two weeks and all water butts empty and ground
starting to crack again.
Dave, Laindon, S.Essex