David Buttery wrote:
"Stuart Brooks" wrote in news:448ca91c$0$69356
Is it newsworthy though? As in worth getting misquoted in
newspapers, as though a real particularly significant event had just
I never said it was! I just think it's vaguely interesting that 30
degrees has not been recorded on 13th June, and that this is indeed
(as I can now tell as TORRO is back up) the latest date on which this
has occurred. I really don't see why something has to be newsworthy
and "particularly significant" to be mentioned as an interesting
I agree, I was really referring to the emerging phenomenon of these daily
records being broken being reported by the press as cataclysmic events.
There is some value to these daily figures (eg highlighting that a
particular temperature has never before been achieved in early May but has
in late May - this could be an important climatological event) but the 13th
June business is just a statistical anomaly (albeit interesting to
statisticians if not climatologists) which is bound to right itself sooner
or later. And when it does it will not be significant climtologically
speaking (unless it also breaks 40C :@ ). The fact that Edinburgh of all
places has recorded 29C almost a month earlier demonstrates the point
Stuart Brooks
South Lanarkshire 223m amsl
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