Rain data
I record rain from 00-24 because that is what the Vantage Pro 2 records
and I cannot find any way of changing this to the official 09-09. I
suppose a computer program could be written to read in the data from
weatherlink and work out totals for the 0900-0900 but I'm certainly not
going to do that.
I don't think the 0900-0900 is good anyway as it means a rain day
ending in mid-morning (1000 BST) at this time of year. If I didn't have
an automatic station there's no way I could read a rain gauge at that
time every day.
The Vantage Pro records temperature from 00-24h as well but I do not
like this as it splits one nocturnal period into 2 separate recording
days. I record 2100-0900 mins and 0900-2100 maxes in a spreadsheet and
use these when sending my monthly return into COL.
Richard Slessor,
Hazlehead, Aberdeen.