Camborne Readings.
For some time now the temperature readings at Camborne have seemed low.
A couple of times in May Camborne was reported on CEEFAX as the lowest
max in the UK, when it was several degrees warmer at nearby Culdrose &
St Mawgan. On one occasion Culrose was 8C warmer than Camborne.
Take today
2 windblown airports near to Camborne
Culdrose at 11:50 - 21C
St Mawgan - clifftop location with an onshore wind at 12:50 - 21C
In Mount's Bay
Penzance heliport, right on the sea front at 12:20 - 22C
My station at 13:00 23.4C
Camborne 17C & fog!! But I can see the moors behind Camborne clearly
from Mousehole, around 12 miles away, I can see the Lizard Point & and
the dishes at Goonhilly. There's hardly a cloud in the sky and St
Mawgan (just the other side of Camborne from me) is reporting
visiblilty of 20km.
Something's not quite right