James wrote:
Seems that would be a good thing. One would not want the stuff up there
forever anyway. If you had to remove it, you would have a bigger problem.
Just asking about the concept, not the mechanics.
Yes that is a good thing and it focuses my attention that the material
placed in high altitude by airplanes should not be Aluminum Sequin but
merely PAPER Sequin since it will not stay up there for long.
But since airplanes are up there continuously a biodegradable material
is wanted since it will be there only for a short period of time.
Ironic, that it is carbon that is causing Global Warming and it will be
CARBON in the form of lightweight paper that will solve global warming.
We can use the more reflective and longer lasting Aluminum Sequin for
the space orbit around Earth released from the Space Station.
James, I was looking for information as to the numbers of airplane
flights per day. I was wondering if the volume of airplanes per day
exceeded the 30 cubic kilometers? And better yet the cargo capacity of
airplanes whether it exceeds 30 cubic kilometers per day? If so, then
just a mere day or two time will cool Earth for the entire week and
should be able to knock out any potential Hurricane if we chose to do
so. In other words, we could have killed Hurrican Katrina last year in
its tracks.
So what is the best reflective paperlike material and what shape?
How much daily airplane cargo capacity that can release the Sequin into
its highest apogee of flight?
We should not waste any time but do this as fast as possible. Because
if we can make the planet cool this summer and to knock-out any
possible Hurricanes, we should do so.
P.S. I am confident that the cargo capacity of airplanes in their
apogee of flight, could singularly solve Global Warming. In fact we
can start the program tomorrow by having one of those huge
transatlantic jets dump paper sequin in their apogee and monitor the
Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies