A few minutes ago I wrote:
So what is the best reflective paperlike material and what shape?
I think Mother Nature already has put in a candidate for this. In the
form of plant seeds spread by the wind. Something like a cottonweed
seed mass or something like dandelion seed masses. Lightweight and
white and reflective. Perhaps cotton fibers.
Anyway, I leave it to material scientists to figure out the optimum.
So far my prediction of a cool summer based on the fact of so many
volcanic eruptions this year especially in Indonesia is coming true.
And because of the cooler summer, I reckon hurricanes will not be as
bad as last year of 2005.
Even though, we should emit into airflight apogee, as fast as possible
cargo hauled Paper Sequin and monitor how good of a Earth Air
Conditioner we have just created.
Because if a killer Hurricane begins to form this summer, we should be
able to destroy the Hurricane itself by placing Paper Sequin overhead
of its track.
Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies