Penzance Storm 26th June. - Reflections
... unless, of course, something heavier comes
along before the end of the week!
Philip Eden
There were a number of showers locally today, the heaviest of which gave
However, and this is the newsworthy bit for you, the rainfall rate was
103.1mm per hour.
If this rain had actually commenced dead on 0900 (GMT) and lasted for
eaxactly 24 hours, this would have given a total daily rainfal total of
2474.4mm, which I believe may well be a record, possibly.
It certainly would be a new record here at least (though to be honest I
haven't had time to check my records yet).
Do I get a mention please??
Co-incidentaly, I was born and raised in the area of West Cornwall to which
Graham refers. There must be some climatological link.
David Mitchell, 70m amsl, Langtoft, East Riding of Yorkshire.