"Tudor Hughes" schreef in bericht
Stop throwing golfballs at me! Not only large hail but
densely distributed which I think is rather unusual.
Nice to see you here again, Wijke. I had a colleague at work
called John Hagel, a name which was of Dutch rather than German
origin, so he said. I asked him what it meant and he told me. It
seems unusual for someone to be called "hail". On the other hand the
surname Snow is well-known in the UK, as are Sleet, Gale, Winter,
Winters, Summers and Spring.
Hello Tudor,
Yes, "Hagel" is a common name in Holland. We also know surnames as Zomer
(=Summer); Winter (Winter); but never saw a Lente (=Spring) passing by.
However Herfst (= autumn) does exist as surname. Also Storm (= gale). Sneeuw
(=snow) not very common but exists. Nice game this is... finding weather
related surnames

Tc 29.4°C -- heading for a heatwave -; but a comfortable 32% humudity.