[OBS] Bracknell (Tawfield) Sat 01 Jul 2006
Saturday, 01 July 2006
0900 E F3 30km - 6/CI T244D095
RMK: [COTRA & CAVOK] - 6Ci~300, with moderate COTRA element, though a
couple of hours ago, it was obvious that the majority of the high cloud
was aircraft induced or enhanced. Sky colour still reasonably blue,
despite the continental origin of the air mass; visibility also good - I
suspect this will change over the next 24-48hr though.
screen min: 13.1 grass min: 10.2 precipitation: NIL [24hr total: 00.0
other data: Ground baked dry - insolation will have maximum effect on
air temperature. ]=
1200 E F3-4 40km - 7/CI T277D098
RMK: [COTRA & CAVOK] - 7Ci (with small Cotra element)~300/320 - very
fine but some denser Ci (and perhaps a lower/separate layer) visible to
distant north)=
1500 E F2-3 40km - 7/CI T292D098
RMK: [COTRA & CAVOK] - 7Ci~300+. Very thin/fibrous - I might have
over-estimated the amount. Sunshine very strong whatever.=
1800 ESE F3 25km - 1/CU 5/CI T285D107
RMK: [COTRA & CAVOK] - 1Cu hum/med~070, 5Ci~300+. Cu began building
just after 15Z observation. Visibility came down past 60 mins, and
sky-character is definitely hazier now.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 29.9 precipitation: NIL
other data: It's awfully quiet outside.]=
2000 ESE F3 20km - 7/CI T255D174
RMK: [COTRA & CAVOK] - 7Ci (fibrous, but patches
dense/ex-COTRA)~260/300, perhaps multi-layer. An easily detectable (by
the human physiology) increase in dew point, with sky much hazier now,
and Cirrus thickening/lowering.=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W