[OBS]Whipsnade, Beds, Sun 02 Jul 2006
Philip Eden wrote:
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote in message
0850z ESE F2-3 40km 1Ac090 3Ac150 25.4/17.0 1020.0
RMK: Various elements of Ac, but all show a considerable
degree of vertical development, and many are clearly
precipitating. A couple of isolated lumps (look like very high
based towering cumulus) to the north; streets of Ac Cas to the
south and southeast at a much higher level with some Ci above
1750z ESE F4 30km 1Ac180 7Ci250 26.4/12.8 1018.1
RMK: Some Cu med at about 6000ft late-morning, dispersed
early afternoon. Much Ci all day, including COTRA. High Ac cas
presently reported looks like a convected contrail
09-18 Tx30.6 RR 00.0
Philip Eden
Whipsnade 214m
(Screen temporarily erected with limited airflow through base, so
maxima are probably 0.5 to 1.5 degC high)
suprised you can't see the dark sky's to the west as the sun seems to
have gone here
maxed here around 31. well thats what the car tempo was displaying