Your contact is the Manager/Chief Flying Instructor Andy Roch
Very approachable splendid chap.
Thanks for the contact
I have flown from Dunstable in the past but am now retired from active
gliding. But I was on Bison Hill Whipsnade a few weeks ago
photographing rare butterflies - now I bet you didn't know what was on
your doorstep!
That is, literally, on my doorstep! Next time let us know, and you'd
be welcome to pop in for a cuppa. Although a wild-life ignoramus,
I love the variety of living things to be seen around here, many of which
I've never seen before, and most of which are not human. The only
problem is the flotilla of airborne nocturnal beasties which head
straight for my office light during the evenings. (Can a 'flotilla' be
'airborne', he wonders?)