- And on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 16:33:15 +0100, it was spake thus said in message alanwhitewick :
Believe me they are quite difficult to calibrate correctly, especially
the further the storm is from the detector
Would it not in this day and age, with all this high speed broadband about, be
possible for those of you with these detectors to work together in setting up some
sort of server or web page or summat that would accept the data from all detectors
and use the timings from each report to triangulate on the strike so that it could be
more accurate and also discount spurious reports ?
I shall now catch breath and say - I suggested this a while ago and some comment was
made about it being a good idea...
Just a suggestion don't ask me how it would work, there's plenty of people out there
who'd know how to set it up...
Nick in Northallerton
Also @
And nickw7coc on
Yahoo & MSN
but I use
http://www.trillian.cc as I like it better
also on Skype and Google talk