[OBS] Romsey - Wednesday 5th July 2006
First thunder heard to SE at 0608Z.
Last thunder heard to NW at 0757Z.
Closest lightning strike about 1km to NW.
SYNOP 05/0850Z
03/// 41230 82606 10177 20169 40140 51015 79196
8758/ 333 84705 85625 88358 96010=
EG// 050850Z 26006KT 3000 -RA SCT005 BKN025
OVC080 18/17 Q//// RETS RERA YLO1=
wind... W by S, force 2.
visibility... 3000m.
weather... slight rain with mist (recent thunderstorm).
clouds... 4/8 ST base 500ft (moving from southwest).
5/8 SC base 2500ft (moving from south).
8/8 AC base 8000ft (moving from southeast).
dry bulb... +17.7C.
dewpoint... +16.9C.
RH... 95%.
sea level pressure... 1014mb (rising more slowly).
rainfall last hour (0750-0850Z)... 2.1mm.
rainfall last 3 hours (0550-0850Z)... 9.6mm.
beaufort letters (0550-0650Z)... c,ctlou,ctloro.
beaufort letters (0650-0750Z)... ctloro,ctlR,ctlor.
beaufort letters (0750-0850Z)... ctlor,cr,crom.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)