[OBS] Romsey - Wednesday 5th July 2006
SYNOP 05/0850Z
03/// 41230 82606 10177 20169 40140 51015 79196
8758/ 333 84705 85625 88358 96010=
SYNOP 05/1450Z
03/// 41330 82807 10183 20173 40140 55000 76166
8652/ 333 82707 85630 88458 96010=
EG// 051450Z 28007KT 3000 -RA FEW007 BKN030
OVC080 18/17 Q//// RERA YLO1=
wind... W by N, force 3.
visibility... 3000m.
weather... slight rain with mist (RH may be 95% but I'm
calling it mist, for it looks misty rather than hazy).
clouds... 2/8 ST base 700ft.
5/8 SC base 3000ft.
8/8 AS base 8000ft.
dry bulb... +18.3C.
dewpoint... +17.3C.
RH... 94%.
sea level pressure... 1014mb (fluctuating in both directions).
rainfall last hour (1350-1450Z)... 1.7mm.
rainfall last 3 hours (1150-1450Z)... 6.7mm.
rainfall since 0550Z (last 9 hours)... 18.3mm.
beaufort letters (1150-1250Z)... crom,cr.
beaufort letters (1250-1350Z)... cr,cR,crou,cr.
beaufort letters (1350-1450Z)... cr,crr,crom.
RMK... the rain has not stopped since 1140Z varying from
slight to heavy. Day darkness observed between
1315Z and 1325Z during a period of slight rain
(embedded CB nearby?)
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)