Weatherlawyer wrote:
cupra wrote:
Weatherlawyer wrote:
What on earth is OT about the thread?
It's not really weather is it? But I conceed it's a function of the
weather - but then again this'd make pretty much everything On Topic if we
let it 
Or should this subject be the domain of armament manufacturers. I know that
the various weather bureaux got their start from things military. But that is not
what god had or has in mind for us.
BTW shake the tree to get some fruit off or the apples will all drop
and be small. And next year you will have none.
Nature's already taking care of it - each strong wind brings down a little
fruit leaving more room for the rest...
It's a good job that I don't know you are trying to be silly at my
expense or I would tell you to go fwc yourself. The reason the
flowering cherry put on such a good show (and in my ignorance) managed
to set seed, was the weather this spring.
We have had a fantastic crop(best ever) of cherries on our tree this
year which were enjoyed by my daughter, her friends and the local
magpies, sadly all gone over now before the wasps got a look in.