Weatherlawyer wrote:
Les Crossan wrote:
Just a headsup = noctilucent cloud visible from Wallsend at 2214z. Could
be a bright 'un!
I should imagine that noctilucent cloud is the complete opposite to
misty/low overast?
Not that I am making any suggestions about them and the super-typhoon
current between the Philippines and China. Nor the more central Pacific
(I was thinking that the "unusual" heavy showers might do it though. It
is after all a catch-all spell, is it not?)
((Note to self: Add that last bit to ye Prefeptf.))
ITV just forecast misty weather south of the UK notably in the Channel.
The forecaster then went on to say it would hold on in Devon and
So look out for Sub Tropical (or is it Extra Tropical?) and Tropical
Storms forming in the North Atlantic.