Glad to be back - London MO 28.6°C
Wijke a écrit :
Hi, Wijke,
I think Colin means he's pleased to be back on line after a major
computer failure.
Thanks for explaining, Ken. And excuses to Colin, for my jumping to
conclusions. Missed your daily messages as well, but thought you were off,
on a well-deserved holiday.
Welcome back anyway!
Hello Wijke,
Yes, I did mean what Ken says. I am glad to be back online after such
a long break.
I did also have 10 days' holiday in Spain during this time - that was
one reason for the delay in getting my new computer set up.
Nothing but sunshine in Spain but I don't think it was much different
in Brussels. It looks like next week will also be a superb week
judging by the forecast that Will has just posted.
Colin Youngs