miserable start in SE London
I note your message at 7am ,I dont know what you want but the rest of the
day ahs been a pearler from 9am on.Just perfect
"Kate Brown" wrote in message
I suppose it must be mist, but it looks like thick grey cloud, and it's
actually quite cold. What happened to the clear blue sky we wuz promised?
AM also feeling v miffed because I couldn't see any noctilucent cloud last
night like (it seems) everyone else could... There was a bank of cloud in
the north-east at 23h that just looked as if it was reflecting light from
the city underneath, was that it? And how can you tell, especially in
town, the difference between true noctilucent cloud and high cloud
reflecting the sun just under the horizon, or low cloud reflecting the
lights of the city?
Kate B
PS 'elvira' is spamtrapped - please reply to 'elviraspam' at cockaigne if
you want
to reply personally