Exceptional daily range - low RH - south Berkshire
Air min this morning 8.0°C - grass min 4.7°C
Today's max was 32.2°C
Daily range an exceptional 24.2 degC
Stevenson screen, open site, Vaisala HMP45C T/RH sensor, confirmed by
co-located MiG thermometers.
Adjacent Davis AWS showed 8.0° to 31.7° and precision thermistor in
Campbell Scientific radiation screen 8.1° to 32.5°C.
Second-highest daily range on my (35 year) personal record - the only
higher was 16 April 2003, which attained 25.0 degC (2.4°C to 27.4°C).
Exceptionally low RH - min 19% at 1615. This is the equal-lowest on my
personal records, with 18 June 2000. Several days this month have
already seen below 30%.
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire