Ken Cook wrote:
Stephen Burt wrote:
Air min this morning 8.0°C - grass min 4.7°C
Today's max was 32.2°C
Daily range an exceptional 24.2 degC
Hi, Stephen,
How do these stand compared with record daily extremes for this
country? I think Rickmansworth had 28.3C back in the 1930s, but did
Tulloch Bridge record -5C to 25C (30degC) sometime in the 1970s? There
must be ranges approaching these records during this current spell. I
wonder what Redhill's figures are - I assume it is still open, just
not used by Met O any more.
Copley Lead Mill had 25.6degC yesterday (1.9C min 27.5C max) and
Copley Met O site had 24.2degC (from 3.7C ,grass -3.3C, to 27.9C)
These large ranges remind me of the 1976 summer.
Think it was Tummel Bridge, -7C to 22C May 1978
I've never recorded more than a 19C daily range at my plateau site
Stuart Brooks
South Lanarkshire 223m amsl
webcams at
INC new high res webcam