For Wokingham, the daily range on 17th was 21.0C, (10.5 to 31.5). This is
the second highest for July here in 31 years of record, the highest being
21.7C on 15th July 1990. The absolute highest daily range was 22.7C on 30th
June 1995.
My Rh did not fall below 20%, min 23% at 1411z.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Satellite images at:
"Stephen Burt" wrote in message
Air min this morning 8.0°C - grass min 4.7°C
Today's max was 32.2°C
Daily range an exceptional 24.2 degC
Stevenson screen, open site, Vaisala HMP45C T/RH sensor, confirmed by
co-located MiG thermometers.
Adjacent Davis AWS showed 8.0° to 31.7° and precision thermistor in
Campbell Scientific radiation screen 8.1° to 32.5°C.
Second-highest daily range on my (35 year) personal record - the only
higher was 16 April 2003, which attained 25.0 degC (2.4°C to 27.4°C).
Exceptionally low RH - min 19% at 1615. This is the equal-lowest on my
personal records, with 18 June 2000. Several days this month have
already seen below 30%.
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire