I'm about to do something drastic.....
In message , Col
.......I'm going to water the lawn. Probably for the first time since 1995.
Up here any hot, dry weather usually leaves it looking a little crisp in
a few places at worst but not this time. It's been getting noticeably
browner over the last few days and being frazzled tomorrow in temps
practically unprecedended for this region might make it looking very
sorry for itself. I was hoping to hold out for Thursday's thunderstorms
to do the job for me but this breakdown appears to have been drastically
downgraded and now the NW tonight forecast merely talks about 'light
tundery showers' overnight tomorrow.
I never water the grass. It can fend for itself. Always comes back
More than happy that it stopped growing and I haven't had to mow it for
a few weeks. Still mostly green, but starting to fade in this heat.
We've had 18mm of rain since end of May.
31.4C max today.
Weather at Scotton, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire