Cooler in Palma
Hi John,
Still in Majorca until Friday. Latest metar
LEPA 191330Z 20012KT 170V230 9999 FEW018 35/17 Q1019 NOSIG=
so its neck and neck!
Just come back from the beach with +45c on the car. Too hot to walk on sand.
Cant explain the routeing - maybe volume of traffic - any CBs around ?
"John Taverner" wrote in message
. uk...
flew back this am. Wonderful weather in Majorca yet 31.5 at 1430 here in
Clear sky till just past the Pyrenees, then thick stuff, ( not good at
clouds from above), a few cbs in mid France and a little bumpy till all
clear again on the French coast.
Really OT and perhaps Jack could explain. Had a cheapy from Coventry,
coming back today, we flew over Coventry airport at some altitude, then I
'' be buggered over B'ham airport, then a long slow left turn over our
house and approached Cov from Stratford, a real round the Wrekin route.