Trevor wrote:
"Rob" wrote in message
David Mitchell wrote:
"Trevor" wrote in message
"Ken Cook" wrote in message
Hi, All,
Copley has returned to normality! Easterly breeze off the sea has
kept us down to a fresher 27.2C this afternoon after a min of 7.3C
at the Mill around dawn. Still unbroken sunshine, though. It was
tiring keeping up with the big boys.
Congratulations to all those today who hit record highs today.
Best wishes,
Yes only JUST warm enought to eat outside this evening
East Yorkshire
Max of 25.0 today after min of 7.8, so much more pleasant.
Have to admit, it felt hotter than that at the Driffield Show, but
with the
easterly breeze, it was quite reasonable....
Not in the ERYC marque it wasn't Rob!
The nearest I got to that one was stood outside, in what shade there was
from it, eating an ice-cream, Trevor. There was no way I was going in too
many of the marquees! Besides I had no cause to go in the ERYC one, cos
neither I nor my parents pay taxes in the East Riding area...

Rob Overfield