On Sun, 03 Aug 2003 16:55:22 GMT, Pieter Kuiper wrote:
Maybe one can do something with motion detection software.
But by the time it's been detected it's probably finished...
A single flash is going to be substantially less than a single frame
in duration a whole strike (ie a sequence of flashes) may well take
the 6 frames or so that occupy 1/4s. You need to be able to compare
adjacent frames in pretty much the frame blanking period which isn't
very long if you going to stand any chance.
Other problems I can envisage are exposure and electronic shutters.
Lighting is very bright, unless you can set the exposure of the webcam
I'd expect no much better than a peak white frame. An electronic
shutter may mean that an image is only caputured for a very short
period of time around 1/500 to 1/1000s so the cahnces of teh shutter
actually being open when a flash occurs become even slimmer.
Electronic shutters are some times used as a easy form of automatic
exposure control.
Dave. pam is missing e-mail