Today's max +27.1 deg. C with a high dew point varying between 17 and
19 deg. C. NIL precip.
Very hot and sticky up until mid-afternoon when a strong sea breeze picked
up and brought the temperature down from a high of 28.8C. Dewpoint has been
hovering between 15C - 18C all day.
A warm and calm evening with plenty of humming-bird moths feeding on the
nectar from the flowers in the garden. The bush crickets are sounding
strongly now; just about to pop out and lie in the hammock in the garden and
enjoy the relative cool of the evening.
Currently at 10:40, 20.1C, RH 76%, DP 15.8C, 1017.4 mb (F), Wind calm.
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
80 m amsl