Desert Raunds.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for that info, you were spot on, got 0.6mm between 0005am -
0020am BST.
Ian wrote:
Nice to know I'm not alone, still rainless, local AWS station in
Northampton just recorded 2.3mm 2300 GMT to 2315GMT, can see lightning
strikes and distant rumble of thunder..radar shows moving north, so
miss be....Agony!
Dave.C wrote:
"Jennikhbm (Suffolk)" wrote in message
"Ian" wrote in message
I've just done a rain dance in garden to appease the precipitation
gods, only 9.9mm in Raunds so far this month, spent hours nearly cying
in frustration at rainfall radar, as storm after storm just shaves us.
Lots of sheet lightning to se and e, plenty of thunder 8.30pm to 10pm,
but not a drop of rain, seems the storm cluster over northen home
counties, and cambs dying a death now, as is my lawn.
And Desert Suffolk continues...Mid Suffolk :- 3 hours of cloud, thunder
frequent lightning from NW to NE and 20 seconds of drizzle sized
Nothing in guage.
Also last Sunday, Cloud increased in afternoon, a squall - and 30 seconds
worth of drizzle sized drops, no thunder heard then. Nothing in guage.
I hear that there was standing water on the fields in Ely (Cambs) this
It's nice to know that there are lots of us suffering the same fate. You
are not alone - we can get through this!
There are organisations to help - try ringing the DSA. (drought sufferers
Dave, S.Essex
PS radar showing a more northerly track of some rain now - looks good or
will it be another storm in a teacup!