[OBS] Bracknell (Tawfield) Thu 27 Jul 2006
Thursday, 27 July 2006
0900 VRB F1 15km - 1/AC 3/CI T236D193
RMK: [CAVOK] - tr Ac~100, 3Ci fib~300+; about 3 hrs ago, the sky full
of a variety of cloud, from distant Cb cap, Cu con, Ac cas to
dense/tufted Ci. All relatively quiet now. Another hot / steamy one
coming up, but perhaps the last of the really 'nasty' ones.
screen min: 18.6 grass min: 17.7 precipitation: 11.0 [24hr total: 11.0
other data: Thunderstorm(s) last night between 2215Z & 2310Z (when last
thunder could be heard). Lightning 'show' well before and afterwards.
Periods of moderate / heavy rainfall in association (over roughly a
period of 90 mins). The peak of the lightning activity was ~2225-2235Z,
when 'flash-rate' was one discharge per 5 to 8 seconds: much of activity
CC/IC, but several fairly close CG strikes - no results to hand for
these latter.=
1400 NNW F2 25km - 1/CB 3/SC T279D169
RMK: 1Cb cal (several cells, from N'E to ENE), with 2Cu con (TCU)
elsewhere; also 3Sc~060 & 2Ci~280/320. Total cloud cover: 4 oktas,
though increasing as I type this up - sky generally 'developmental' with
several dark bases to the local Cu. Wind coming & going.=
1800 SW F3 12km 4000E -TSRA 3/CB 5/SC //AC T222D192
RMK: 3Cb (at least two cells with merged mid-level cloud elements)~035,
2Cu con~040, 5Sc~060/070, Ac (not sure of amount)~120; total cloud
amount 7 oktas. Thunder still just 'rumbling' about without dramatic
effect. Rain mostly light. Rainfall has lifted the dewpoint
considerably - only the breeze is stopping it becoming highly
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 28.5 precipitation: 4.9
other data: recap for afternoon events:
1420 - 1445Z: shower of rain, mainly moderate/heavy intensity (bulk of
rainfall reported above).
1530 - current: thunder activity (multi-cell/CC or IC discharges),
infrequent, with periods of rain, only occasionally moderate intensity:
main activity to our east: some very large, non-disrupted droplets for a
time capturing the sunlight quite dramatically. ]=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W