[OBS] Bracknell (Tawfield) Fri 28 Jul 2006
Friday, 28 July 2006
0900 NNW F3 25km - 1/CU T221D156
RMK: 1Cu fra/hum~025 (just beginning to form).
screen min: 15.2 grass min: 14.1 precipitation: tr [24hr total: 04.9 mm]
other data: Everything has a 'fresher' feel to it this morning - the
garden perking up after yesterday's rain, and the dew point has dropped
steadily overnight. ]=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W