Colin Youngs wrote:
Brussels on Friday 28th July
. nearest metro (underground) station which is situated in
an open space with areas of grass and pathways, and bus stops, at the
bottom of a hill below a large carpark and in front of a major
crossroads. Next to the metro station is a storm drain to take excess
rainwater from the sewers when necessary.
... Water was running ankle deep over the whole
area and cascading down the steps and escalator into the metro station.
The storm drain was overflowing and water was gushing waist-high out
of the manholes. For the next 20 minutes I stood in one of the bus
shelters with several other people. Water from the overflowing storm
drain swirled over our feet and ran in turbulent rivers some 20 cm deep
along the bus bays.
Keith Wassell a écrit :
Of course, you grabbed some pics for us on your phone, didn't you?
No, Keith, sorry. I live in the Stone Age and have no mobile phone.
I was just trying not to get any wetter than I already was.
Press reports in French and some photos:
Flooded underground station
Scene in the area around the underground station after the storm
Building in the backgound is the shopping centre on the other side of
the road where some cars in the carpark were under water nearly up to
their windows.
Scene inside the shopping centre
Colin Youngs