Graham wrote:
JPG wrote:
I don't know about you, Tudor, but I recall that the weather basics,
including a vertical cross-section of a depression, formed part of
the geography O-Level.
Martin, I sat my GCEs in the penultimate year that they were used
prior to GCSE taking over (1986) and our syllabus definitely included
weather basics. As I recall, the exam had a forecasting question
included. Unfortunately, my school stopped offering GCE meteorology
as a 'lunchtime extra' the year before I started the GCE build-up, so
I missed out on that.
When I left 6th form in 1989, I know the A level Geography syllabus had a
fair whack of stuff in there, possibly half a terms worth, and it was the
only time I was sure of what I was doing. I was miles ahead of most on that
part and was very popular in class because of it. Learnt all about the
various lapse rates etc, which i know I can't remember now...
Rob Overfield