Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
"Les Crossan" wrote
in message news
Hi. I'm in the United States and interested to know what some of you
British weather enthusuasts have to say about your own perception of
global climate change. Perhaps a non-American perspective might
prove enlightening to me.
I'm in the minority in this NG as I'm a manmade GW sceptic. However a
country that starts a war to satisfy its own greed for oil, gives
aid to Lebanon and weapons to Israel, sends prisoners abroad to have
confessions tortured out of them, has oil companies naming
supertankers after Condoleeza Rice, has a president who listens to a
lunatic Christian extreme right lobby group to the detriment of
everybody else and produces all these dreadful cop chase TV
programmes must have something seriously wrong with its national
The USA - a country that doesn't believe in the United Nations and
didn't ratify Kyoto. Hail Bush, hail Exxon.
Les Crossan,
Wallsend, Tyne & Wear
54.95N 1.5W
Home of the Wallsend StormCam and the Backup USW FAQ -
Les isn't this "greed for oil" a tad over cooked?'
You know recently the were some articles doing the rounds saying the
deforestation and burning wood as fuel of the last two thousands
years was the start of AGW!! Well please excuse our ancestors for
trying to survive and put the world in the fantastic position it is
today. There has always been war, famine, plague and pestilence.
More people now live longer and better than at any other time in
history. What we all seemingly take for granted today could not have
happened any other way.
By the way alternative renewable sources of energy have been used the
last thousands years; windmills and watermills and you know what?
they were crap. Without the industrial age we wouldn't all be sitting
on computers hating ourselves.
Ok Lawrence, but at the start of the industrial age, they were still in use.
300 or so years on, surely we have the technology to make these tools for
collecting the renewable energy sources more efficient?
Rob Overfield