July 2006 Bracknell (Tawfield)
Martin Rowley a écrit :
Mean 24hr maximum:... 27.6 [+5.0 anomaly on eLTA]
Mean 24hr minimum:... 15.5 [+2.8 anomaly on eLTA]
Mean of 24hr max & min:... 21.5 [+3.9 anomaly on eLTA 1971-2000]
Rolling 12 month rainfall anomaly: 91% (was 93% end last month)
Rolling 24 month rainfall anomaly: 86% (was 85% end last month)
Dare I suggest that you are not using the word "anomaly" correctly in
your references to precipitation above ?
An anomaly is a *difference* from the norm - as illustrated by your
temperature figures. Your rainfall figures, however, state the
*proportion* of normal rainfall that has fallen, not the difference
from normal.
Colin Youngs