Global Warming / Renewable Energy
Adam Lea wrote:
A1: We all start to accept that the responsibility for reducing emissions
lies with each and every one of us so we all collectively make an effort to
take a look at our own lifestyles and see how we can cut down our own carbon
footprint instead of blaming other people/living in denial/expecting the
government to do something. Some possible ideas include:
1. install solar/wind/biomass systems (expensive).
2. make our homes energy efficient (double glazing, cavity wall insulation,
loft insulation etc).
3. subscribe to a renewable electricity company.
4. try to replace car journeys with other less polluting forms of
5. if you need a car, try to get the most efficient one that is practical
for your needs.
5. buy locally produced food in season where possible
6. don't live 50+ miles from work/send children to school 10 miles away
when there is a perfectly adequete one nearby*.
7. don't have the central heating up to ridiculously high levels just so
you can wear short sleeves in the middle of January.
8. try to cut down on air travel.
*I appreciate that in certain circumstances this is not always possible.
A2: You can't. CO2 released into the atmosphere will be around for decades
to come so we cannot reverse global warming, but we may be able to reduce
the magnitude of it.
Nobody will cut down on anything while they can still afford it
except things like fags, where there is some self-interest. The answer
is therefore very simple - increase the price of petrol (double it,
say) along with increases in price of all other energy that produces
CO2 either in its consumption or production. Introduce a very heavy
tax on aircraft fuel. (There is none at present). We, and the economy
in general, would be forced to work out new ways of doing things
involving less transport. Nothing remotely approaching this will be
even contemplated because we'd all scream and scream and stamp our foot
à la Violet Elizabeth Bott. Fortunately I shall be dead before any of
this gets at all serious. (age 63).
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.