Gone like Autumn!
Joe Egginton wrote:
This time last week I was sweating like a mad dog with temps up to 31c.
Today just managed 15c, goose pimples and cold !
Lending credence to the way that the phases run if only you had the
eyes to see it.
It never happens that a hot spell of such duration gives way to some
pretty nice weather, though it did seem for a moment it was about to go
out to some light rain.
Vvirtually always for as far as I can recall, heatwaves give way to
weather that is a complete reversal.
I was sitting under a pine yesterday having lunch in the van when the
gusts brought down clumps of needles. The pinecone harvest was
scattered all around me in the hot weather a week or so back. I was
quite suprised that pines shed all the needles they are going to shed,
all in one go.
I thought it was a few here and there the way that animals shed hair.
But it was more cataclysmic than deciduous trees -which you notice
turning and can tell by the colours when they will fall.
This morning there was a thick carpet of needles everywhere. And I was
not dressed for the weather AT ALL.