[WR] 1845Z Bracknell (Tawfield) Wed 02 Aug 2006
1800 WNW F3-4 60km - 2/CU 7/SC //CICS T191D085
RMK: 2Cu hum (also fragments Sc same level)~038, 7Sc~045, large
amounts CiCs above, but can't determine exact extent/division etc.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 22.4 precipitation: NIL
other data: fine, sunny morning; increasing cloud (mainly Sc) during
afternoon: felt quite chilly, though not unpleasant - wind ocnl F5 for
a short time mid-afternoon. ]=
.... 1845Z onwards: sporadic, light rain but with some breaks in the
cloud cover.