"I’m emailing to plea for your help…I’m completing my MSc dissertation
and am having trouble getting volunteers to complete my questionnaire
and I’d be eternally grateful if you could help. I am only looking for
people with chronic illnesses so I realise many of you may not be able
to help, however if you know of anyone else who does have a chronic
illness and would be willing to help, please could you forward this
email to them (if anyone helped with my email interviews they cannot
also help with the questionnaire). The information and link to the
questionnaire is below.
I am looking for volunteers who are suffering from any chronic
illness, suchas coronary heart disease, cancer, depression, arthritis or
lung disease, to take part an online questionnaire, which will take
approximately 15-20 minutes. It will ask you about your opinions
regarding religious or spiritual treatment options for your illness and
how you cope with the illness, along with background information about
your illness, treatments you use, and any religious or spiritual beliefs
you hold."
I happen to know the young lady who is seeking help very well. If
anyone on the group wishes to assist please drop me a note
david7455atyahoodotcodotuk and if I recognise them I'll pass on full
details of the survey site.
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