[OBS] Bracknell (Tawfield) Mon 07 Aug 2006
Monday, 07 August 2006
0900 N F3 4500 -DZ BR 3/ST 8/SC T181D161
RMK: [RE-DZ] - 3St~010, 8Sc~014: wind ocnl F4 (at least) for a short
time as the PPN started ~0810Z - we are probably in the final throes of
the (surface) cold-frontal passage.
screen min: 18.1 grass min: 18.0 precipitation: tr [24hr total: tr]
other data: By no means the warmest night in our short record (began
2000), which was 19.9°C only this year [22nd July], but warm enough:
oddly, had the best night's sleep last night that I've had for a long
time - must be getting used to it! ]=
1200 N F3 30km - 7/SC T192D148
RMK: 7(+) Sc/thick, with small gaps~018/020: solar disk clearly seen,
so can't be too much above. Light drizzle had ceased by 0915Z=
1500 NNE F2 35km - 2/CU 7/SC //AC T206D162
RMK: [RE-SHRA] - 2Cu med (penetrating Sc layer)~018, 7(+)Sc~030, Ac
(low-base) above, but can't determine amount - suspect near-full cover
from bigger gaps in Sc about 10 mins ago. Light rain showers ~1230Z &
again ~1435Z, no effect on ground state or visibility. Taking a long
time for the surface cold front to go through!=
1800 NNE F2-3 40km - 2/CU 7/SC T225D140
RMK: [RE-SHRA] - 2Cu hum~025, 7Sc (thinning/broken)~040/045, apparently
clear above, or not significant. Very light shower (few drops only)
~1710Z, as per the other showers this afternoon.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 22.7 precipitation: tr
other data: late maximum. PPN no impact upon surfaces. ]=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W