Guildford 12/08/06 15:48Z
Wind NW F4
Wx -
Cloud 7/Sc
Temp 16.3°C
Dewpt 9.7°C
Baro 1012.2mb Steady
Rain 0.3mm
Min 13.3°C at 4:47Z
Max 16.3°C at 15:47Z
Early afternoon showers have moved on. Currently dry. I see the mid pm TAF
has taken away the SHRA risk from Heathrow until at least 01Z.
Guildford 12/08/06 12:18Z
Wind NW F4
Wx -RA
Cloud 7/Sc
Temp 15.6°C
Dewpt 10.1°C
Baro 1012.2mb Steady
Rain 0.0mm
Min 13.3°C at 4:47Z
Max 15.6°C at 12:16Z
Well its raining again after some very brief showers earlier. This time
its actually dampening the ground!
Heavier stuff has remained to th E all morning.