[OBS]Whipsnade, Beds, Sun 13 Aug 2006
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote:
0850z NNW F5-6 12km -RADZ 1St002 6St004 8Sc010 12.1/11.7 1008.3
RMK: Spots of ra/dz in the wind. Mod rain approx 1930-2030, 0245-
0300, 0505-0715, then hvy rain 0725-0840. Int sl ra/dz at other
1150z NNW F4 6km +SHRA 2Cu010 7Cb015 14.4/13.6 1009.6
RMK: radz to 0930z, -shra 1115, +shra 1140-1150; a few gleams
of sunlight betw 10 and 11. Vis was ~25km during dry episode
Philip Eden
Whipsnade 214m