[OBS]Whipsnade, Beds, Thu 17 Aug 2006
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
0850z SSE F3 6km HZ 6Cu008 5Ac080 17.4/16.0 1001.1
RMK: Cu is St-gen; an hour ago we had 8St004 and vis of
1000m. Noticeably humid. Yesterday's impending storm at
18z deposited about six large drops, although it clearly rained
very heavily between here and Aylesbury for a time. Further
light rain around 01z.
1150z SSE F3 4000m -TS+RA 1St012 6Cb020 7AcAs080
16.8/14.3 1000.9
RMK: And another one Vince! Series of cells running
roughly northwards just to the west of us, thunder rolling
around, mostly in the distance, but we're catching the
edge of the heavy rain. (Vis much better to the east). Rain
started 1130z ... but as I write it's almost stopped and
the sky's brightening rapidly.
Philip Eden
Whipsnade, 214m