In article , dated Sun, 20 Aug 2006,
Yannis wrote
Ο "Tudor Hughes" έγραψε στο μήνυμα
I notice that the diurnal range in Athens is quite small,
with a min of 28 and max of 34. Maybe that's not so bad, with the
strong breeze and reasonably low dewpoint. I only found one place in
Greece with 38 today, Kalamata.
Tudor, temperature minima can't go all that low within the basin of Athens,
with all this breezy weather (and cement!) The difference among stations is
very notable depending on their position (population density and overnight
wind force). Tonight is not as breezy and overnight temperatures are already
a bit lower than those of yesterday.
I see more official stations online having reported temperature maxima over
38C: Eleusis made it to +39C
( and some of the NTUA
stations did equally "well"
( Acharnes (+38.5C),
Zografou (+38.5C), Ano Liosia (+38.6C), Agios Kosmas (+39.2C), Psytalleia
(+38.5C), Ilioupoli (+39.1C). The suburbs to the northeast and wind prone
areas outside the basin (ie Athens International Airport), but still within
the prefecture of Attica, never made it over +34C.
My relatives on Halkidiki (Platanitsi) reckoned it was over 40 on the
beach. Presumably it will always be hotter in the open under the sun?
Kate B
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