Steve J, BWS wrote:
The new Meteorological Monitoring System (MMS) will "apply new
technological solutions to provide greater reliability", not that we
have a problem with our Campbell Scientific set up.
Anyone know if they are involved in MMS?
Steve Jackson
Bablake Weather Station
Yes - the new system is built around the latest CS logger:
It's my personal opinion that the Met Office's observations strategy
has now changed to the following:
1. Reduce the climatological network to 200-300 sites, but make
most/all of them synoptic reporting.
2. Own the instruments and communications, then you own the data.
3. Filter out all the other climat sites except those needed for
long-term records or where records cannot otherwise be obtained.
4. As a consequence of 3, reduce the network by attrition and also
refuse any additional offers of voluntary co-operating observers except
where there is a big gap in the network (50 km or more) until the
current 650 sites is reduced by 50% or more.
I wonder when the rainfall network will start to be decimated too?
I hope I'm wrong.
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer