Stephen Burt wrote:
Yes - the new system is built around the latest CS logger:
It's my personal opinion that the Met Office's observations strategy
has now changed to the following:
1. Reduce the climatological network to 200-300 sites, but make
most/all of them synoptic reporting.
2. Own the instruments and communications, then you own the data.
3. Filter out all the other climat sites except those needed for
long-term records or where records cannot otherwise be obtained.
4. As a consequence of 3, reduce the network by attrition and also
refuse any additional offers of voluntary co-operating observers except
where there is a big gap in the network (50 km or more) until the
current 650 sites is reduced by 50% or more.
I wonder when the rainfall network will start to be decimated too?
I hope I'm wrong.
Hi, Stephen,
I got a similar impression during my recent MetO inspection. As you
say, I hope we're wrong and that the amateur will still have a valuable
input. Organisations such as the Climatological Observers' Link (COL)
would have an increasing role for the enthusiast if the Met O went on
this track, wouldn't they?
It would be a shame, but not a surprise, if the MetO alienated amateurs
who have spent many years of their lives making diligent, accurate
manual obs.and supplying them voluntarily.
Best wishes,
Copley 253metres asl, nr Barnard Castle, Teesdale, County Durham.