Some high rainfall totals - Boulmer 38.9 mm
Weatherlawyer wrote:
Paul Hyett wrote:
In message , Paul Hyett
I haven't had a night minima below 10C for the whole of August so far,
none since the 15th July in fact - how does that compare with other
parts of southern England?
The current run is 35 successive nights above 10C, closing in on my
record of 41 such nights from 23/7-1/9/97...
It's not to be : last night (unexpectedly) dropped below 10C, ending the
sequence at 37 nights, and in fact was the coldest night since 23rd June.
Not so easy as I thought.
I trolled throught the UKMO FAX at WetterZentrale to see if there was
anything like a negative NAO around then and there doesn't at first
glance appear to be anything indicative for a few more days with a
relatively deep Low of 985 deepening mid Atlantic by the 29th June,
replacing (or at least, pushing it of the map) a relatively high
anticyclone of 1035.
Whilst it all gets rather tight on the 7th July on, it is still very
much a positive NAO with a nice warm Low of 978 appearing off Greenland
on the 11th.
I seem to recall that something struck me as different about the lunar
phases for June, but I can't remember what it was.
JUNE 18 14:08 should have been sunny with not much cloud.
JUNE 25 16:05 should have been wet.
JULY 3 16:37 This is the one that threw me IIRC.
JULY 11 3:02 and this should have been a classically thundery one with
a positive NAO.
By the 18th, a pattern of sending cyclones through the Norwegian Sea up
toward the Berents Sea seems to have become adopted. And the Low
pressures from then on are fairly high in the NA except for a blip with
the Canucks. And even that seemed to push off into the Arctic by the
A month late..
..Still, since you won't be interested; never mind eh,?
Mustn't grumble.
On the way home from work in Nutsford, I notice that the used rain was
pouring up. Whilst the road drains were coping, inspection covers of
unkonwn provenance were leaking at their gills -all down the A50.
From about 2pm till way past 5 pm the water fell down in buckets, all
the way from there to Stoke. So things are back to normal at last.
Anyone there? Hello?
Not to worry.