Hi Steve,
I have been using their radar service for just over a year, the cost is
just under £20.00. Today they have just launched their version 3 (beta
at the moment) which now adds the ability to zoom to a postcode and also
overlay pressure, wind speeds and also lighting data. There is also a
cumulative rainfall feature and a one hour prediction of what may happen
to the current precipitation.
I have found the service to be very reliable and with the additional
features, well worth the money.
In order not to breach copyright ect, I will e-mail you direct a screen
shoot of the present version.
Steve J, BWS wrote:
Does anyone subscribe the the Net-weather extra rainfall radar site?
If so, what's it like and is it worth it?
We already subscribe to the AVbrief RR, but would like zoom facilites
and better animation.
Just wondered as the site itself is pretty useful in some respects.
Steve J