In message , MCC
It's the heights, rather than the times I'm most interested in.
All shown in graph form, along with sunrise/sunset and twilight times for
each port.
It's no longer available on the web but I'd be happy to put a copy on my
website so that you could download it.
That would be great.
It's a file called Tides.exe which needs to be downloaded, scanned for
Is that a particular problem with this program then?
and then run to install it on your computer.
BTW, will it run on any version of Windows?
It ran for me under Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows XP SP2.
OK, good.
Download it from but be
quick as I'll only leave it there for 48 hours - don't want to incur the
wrath of the Hydrographer!
Got it - thanks.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email me)